Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Video-Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Toxic Load

You may never have heard of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, but it can be a terrifying experience. This syndrome develops when the body becomes so sensitized to environmental toxins that the person is no longer able to stand any type of exposure -- even the most mild chemical in the air, water, or home can trigger severe allergic reactions, or even death. Often the onset is sudden, and the person (and doctors) don't even know what triggered it.  (If you haven't seen the movie "Safe", with Julianne Moore, it gives a good idea of what it is like to develop and live with this, and it will give you a lot to think about.)

The video below gives a brief overview of the syndrome, and discusses the importance of reducing our toxic load before it gets to the point that we suffer from this dreadful condition. (The video is in Spanish, but it is subtitled, and is only 5 minutes long - definitely worth a watch.)

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: The importance of reducing the toxic load
Video on the importance of reducing the toxic load in your life by Eva Caballé (Spanish with English subtitles). The video was first aired at a conference in Spain on healthy cosmetics (May 2010). Text here: No Fun: nofun-eva....

For more tips and a free checklist for reducing your toxic load, be sure to visit our website at
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