Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Could Chelation Help Reduce Your Toxic Load?

As we discussed last week, at this moment, you’re carrying far more toxins within your body than you’re aware of. These toxins have the potential to negatively impact your health - and some can even build up to the point where they can shorten your life!*

Many people assume that they have a few toxins, but they don’t realize that just by living in your home and going about your daily life, you ingest thousands of different toxins.

English: Glass Plus spray
Chemical cleaning products can contain toxins. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Toxins can be a number of things - but especially chemicals. These chemicals come from your mattress, cleaning products, your floors, the foods that you eat and the things you drink - and even the air you breathe.

When you ingest toxins in some way, your body has natural processes in place to remove these toxins as a way of protecting itself. For example, your body may get rid of toxins by secreting them through your kidneys.

As the build up continues, it tries to rid these toxins by expelling them as waste material and pushing them to leach out through the skin. Unfortunately, in today's chemical-filled world, it often happens that these toxins are so numerous, and the build up can be so great, that the body can’t eliminate them all without some help.

That’s why detoxing can help. By detoxing, you can eliminate a build up, boost your health and improve your immune system. One of the ways that you can do this is by using a chelation detoxing process.

Doctors use chelation therapy to rid a patient’s body of heavy metal toxins in particular. The patient receives EDTA or Ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid through an IV and has to return for numerous visits.

Fortunately, there’s a more natural way that you can use chelation to detoxify your body. This natural chelation process is a combination of cilantro and chlorella.

English: Fresh Cilantro (Coriander) Deutsch: V...
Fresh Cilantro (Coriander). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Cilantro, also called coriander, is an herb from the parsley family and has been used for medicinal purposes, as well as in cooking. It has antioxidant properties as well as essential oil, and is rich in fiber.

This herb is believed to improve health and fight disease. It’s an anti-inflammatory and is helpful in helping the body get rid of mercury toxins.

Chlorella is fresh water alga. It contains antioxidants, vitamin C, iron and B vitamins.

It works to remove toxins from the body because it contains chlorophyll. This is what you see when you look at green plants. Chlorophyll is the pigment. What it does for humans when used as part of a detox plan is eliminate metals from the body and from the bloodstream through a binding process.

You can find chlorella at health food stores in various forms. It’s used in a combination chelation process with cilantro. Both of these are natural living substances that can help cleanse and detoxify your body naturally, without the harmful side effects of many harsher cleanses.

* Please note that this blog is provided for informational purposes only. It should not be considered as medical advice, and you should always consult a qualified medical practitioner before beginning any cleanse or detoxification program.

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