Of course, it is obvious that when you do not drive your car, you use no fuel, which is easily the most affordable option of them all. However, if your car stays parked at home, so do you! (At least in areas with insufficient public transportation as well as walking friendly neighborhoods - which sadly, is most of America....) What are the alternatives when you have places to go and people to see? Well, a car pool is a great option, if you can make it work. Car pools have been around for years and are quite common. With a car pool system, you can reduce your impact on the environment while you also reduce the impact of gas prices on your wallet!

Smart trip planning is another weapon that consumers have to fight the roaring albatross that is gas prices. To swing this deadly blade and slay the beast, simply plan ahead when you go out to make sure that you consolidate all of your shopping and errand-running needs into one trip. If you live in a small town and must take the highway to get shopping done, it is even more important to plan your trips well to avoid excess driving!
One big “no-no” that is easily avoided is leaving your car’s engine on when you are not going anywhere. This can include when you run in quickly to the store or gas station, or when you are waiting for a friend to come outside so you can go somewhere together. In most cases, it will make much more sense to simply turn your engine off. If you are not currently moving, there is really no reason to have your engine on.
Finally, avoid having excess weight in your car when you are driving around. This means that you do not want to leave items that you do not need in your car for long periods of time, particularly if they are somewhat heavy. This also means that you probably want to make friends with very light people! Well, that may not be true, but it is important to reduce the weight in your car, since every 100 pounds can cause you a loss of 1 or 2 percent of your fuel economy.
It is plain to see that increasing your vehicle’s fuel efficiency does not have to be a complicated or expensive process. It is important to remember that there are alternatives to simply staying home and not driving if you want to save money on gas. The trick is simply to be a bit smarter about where, when and how you drive.
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