If you experience stress, tiredness, excess weight, fatigue, aches, pains, poor digestion, and other serious disorders, it is very possible that the pH level inside your body may be too acidic.
The three things that might contribute more to the body to become overly acidic are ingesting acids, creation of acids, and improper acid elimination.
Ingesting foods which are considered acidifying foods as dairy, processed sugar, meat, alcohol, coffee, etc. (sound familiar?) overloads the ability of your body to neutralize all the acids.
Acidifying toxins are created by microforms and pathogens inside the body. If the body is too acidic, yeasts, microforms, and bad bacteria proliferate. These live organisms create even more toxins, and add to the already acidic environment.
Acid build up occurs when the body systems which eliminate the acids are not functioning properly, either due to sheer overwhelm, or compromised in another way. Many systems in the body buffer acids - including your mineral reserves, breathing (yes, simply breathing deeply can help the body become less acid), and body fat.
Excess acids are considered toxins by the body, and these toxins need to be removed through detoxification. You may have to aid your body in the detoxification process especially when it is not functioning well.
If you want to obtain a well-balanced pH, you must have a proper diet and nutrition. It may also be wise to undertake a detox plan which can greatly help you the detox process. A diet consisting of foods high in alkaline, proper supplementation
There are also alkalizing products
A good detox program
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