Monday, September 19, 2011

How to Fight Inflammation Naturally

Inflammation is your body’s reaction to injury - but it can also be caused by many toxins, which irritate your body and cause inflammation to occur. You can have external inflammation, for example a twisted ankle will swell. You can also experience inflammation internally. For example your arteries can become inflamed.
Inflammation, while it is a natural response, can be dangerous too. If your arteries are inflamed and stay inflamed then you can suffer a heart attack.

There are many medications that help fight inflammation. For a sprained ankle you might take an NSAID to reduce the swelling. For inflamed arteries you might take a Coated 200 mg ibuprofen tablets, CareOne brand...Image via WikipediaStatin drug. These drugs, whether prescription or over the counter, have side effects. NSAIDs for example can cause liver damage or stomach distress. And new and an alarming study reported in the September 6 issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal shows that regular use of NSAIDs even in small doses can DOUBLE the chances of miscarriage for pregnant women. And Statins have some of the highest numbers of dangerous side effects of any drug out there. The  more we learn about these drugs, the more we seem to find that they are actually making us sick more than they are making us well.... The good news is that there are many things you can do today to fight inflammation naturally.

Five Ways to Fight Inflammation Naturally

#1: Omega threes. Omega three fatty acids help reduce inflammation in your body naturally. You can find omega threes in many whole grains, fish and nuts. However, most people don’t get enough omega threes in their diet. The healthy ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 in the human diet should be somewhere between 1:1 and 1:4, but the typical American diet provides more like 1:20 - FAR from the ideal balance. A simple solution is to take a fish oil or omega three supplement. But additionally, you need to decrease the amount of man-made trans fats you’re eating (pretty much any standard type of vegetable oil, as well as margarine, is mainly trans fats). These types of fats contribute greatly to inflammation in your body. (For more on healthy and unhealthy oils, visit

#2: Decrease sugar consumption. Sugar is a prime source of inflammation. It causes free radical damage to your cells. This damage is an “injury” which causes inflammation. After consuming too many sweets or junk food you may notice you look Edema of the skin caused by inflammationImage via Wikipediapuffy. This is inflammation at work. What you cannot see is the inflammation inside your body. Take a look at how much sugar you consume and create a plan to cut back. You’ll notice a drastic difference in how you feel - and maybe even how you look - and definitely in your long-term health. Many good natural sweeteners are readily available today - from Stevia extract to Xylitol, and even good old-fashioned honey. But don't go overboard - our bodies really weren't meant to consume huge amounts of sweets. Just stick to fruit if you can!

#3: Turmeric. Turmeric is an herb commonly used in mustard and many curries, and it’s a great natural anti-inflammatory. If you don’t eat a lot of curry or mustard consider taking a turmeric supplement. They are easy to find and quite affordable, and can reduce inflammation both externally and internally.

#4: Exercise. Exercise actually helps your body reduce inflammation, and flush out toxins that can cause inflammation. It doesn’t have to be vigorous exercise either. Simply walk for thirty minutes a day. This simple step drastically reduces inflammation.

#5: Sleep. Good sleep is imperative for good health. Studies have shown that people who do not get enough quality sleep suffer from inflammation. They’re at a higher risk for obesity and heart disease. Sleep is when your body heals itself, including inflamed areas. Without this repair time, inflammation can build up in the body over time. Restless or impaired sleep, or simply not enough of it, can take a huge long-term toll on your overall health. Take a look at your sleep habits. What can you do to improve them?

There are several other simple steps you can take to reduce inflammation naturally, such as: Reduce alcohol intake. Stop smoking if you smoke. Lose weight.

If you have an injury, like a sprained ankle, consider using natural arnica gel to treat it. Add green tea to your diet and cut back on saturated and trans fats.

Simple steps to live a healthy life also fight inflammation naturally. Take a look at your existing habits. How do they support inflammation? What can you do to change your lifestyle and fight inflammation naturally?
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1 comment:

  1. I love arnica for all sorts of inflammation challenges and injuries. I keep it with me always. Beautiful post. Good thoughts.
