Friday, September 30, 2011

Video - Natural Remedies to Ward Off a Cold

Here is a very quick video with a couple of quick ideas for warding off colds and surviving the flu season ahead, without resorting to drugs and chemical solutions. If you haven't already, you may start to see a barrage of ads for flu shots, as it seems we are inundated with these more every year. However, remember that most of these illnesses can be prevented by good hygiene (frequent hand washing), staying away from sick people (as much as possible), and most importantly, strengthening your immune system (more on this soon), and you don't have to subject your body to these expensive and artificial potions.

Natural Remedies & Cleanses : How to Cure Sore Throat & Cough Using Natural Products
A sore throat and cough can be treated naturally by using zinc lozenges, gargling with salt water or lemon juice and drinking the juice of exotic fruits, such as panellia or loquat. Find natural remedies for cold-like symptoms, catching early symptom...

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