Friday, September 23, 2011

Video - MSG - How it Works in Your Body

Here is a good video about MSG. Rather than trying to scare you, it explains how the chemical works in your brain, and why food manufacturers like to use it (Hint: it makes you eat more of the food!). I like how he says everyone reacts to it - you just acclimate to it - and how he mentions looking at the behavior of children to notice its effects. Also listen to the part about soy - very interesting - I did not know this!

Check it out, and educate yourself on this common toxin.

The Truth about MSG Monosodium Glutamate Clinical Nutrition
Be My Friend - The Truth about MSG Monosodium Glutamate Clinical Nutrition What effects does MSG have on diet, obesity, health and food cravings? Because MSG is absorbed very quickly in the gastrointestinal tract (unlike glutamic acid...

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