Friday, February 10, 2012

Video - How to Make Tissue Paper Flowers

This is a great way to re-use tissue papers - I know when I get gifts, there's always tissue paper in the bag, and I hate to throw it away, so I end up with lots of balls of different colored tissue paper sitting around. Smooth them out flat, and use this crafty technique to create beautiful multi-colored flowers for decorating your eco-friendly party, or attaching to a gift, or make a bouquet of different colors and put them in a nice vase for a party favor or room decor! Use your creativity and you'll come up with other great ideas for using these, and create something beautiful out of paper that would otherwise be thrown away.

How To Make Tissue Paper Crafts : How To Make A Tissue Paper Flower
How to make a flower out of tissue paper, step-by-step instructions; learn this and more in this free arts and crafts video series taught by an expert Courtney Hester. Expert: Courtney Hester Bio: Courtney Hester has a degree in elementary education....

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