And how do you feel after a Big Mac and french fries? You need a nap, don’t you? All that fat will drag you down and make you feel sluggish and toxic.
Going on a diet may seem hard, but think about some of the things you do when you go on a diet. You eliminate those high fat, processed, high-sodium foods. You eat less, true. But you also eat more raw fruits and vegetables. You drink more water. And the results of eating this way are increased energy, better sleep, less illness, less toxins in the body, and generally better health over all. You can do some of this, without having to give up everything that you enjoy - just cut back on the processed stuff.
Processed foods, with their high fat content are hard to digest. They take an enormous amount of the body’s energy to consume. When your body’s energy isn’t used up digesting all that fat, it’s available for YOU – for work, play, love, exercise – in other words, for LIFE.
These aren’t drastic concepts. You don’t necessarily have to make drastic changes in your lifestyle to be healthier. But take a good look at what you consume without even thinking about it. We reach for the potato chips, or stop at McDonald’s or Taco Bell when we’re hungry and we want something in a hurry.

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